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Floor to Seat System
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Floor to Seat System

The Floor to Seat System was designed to address a problem identified through an investigation into incidents of unsafe handling by Gwynedd Council. It was discovered that staff were unsure of what sling to use to lift the fallen person and had an understandable worry of causing harm to the already distressed and anxious person by selecting the wrong style and size of sling.

  • The sling is padded and softly lined to provide comfort and protection

  • High grade slide-sheet outer lining to facilitate easy sliding

  • Adjustable straps to enable optimum positioning

  • Provides a safe solution to moving fallen service users for all parties involved

  • Allows for a safe and dignified transfer from the floor to a safe area

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Product reference:


OCS compatibility statement



OCS compatibility statement

One size fits all

The Floor to seat system falls into a 'one size fits all' category meaning that the home or day center does not need to purchase multiple size slings for all the users, helping reduce the risk of improper sling size selection and cost of purchasing multiple expensive slings.

One coice

It was discovered that care home staff in the Gwynedd area were unsure of what sling (if any) to use to assist a fallen person. This stress and worry of causing further harm sometimes pushed them towards calling an ambulance at great expense to the local authority and additional distress to the client who was then forced to wait on the floor until help arrived. The Floor to seat system solves this issue as staff can quickly and efficiently get the user back into a chair without the need for external assistance.

Demonstration video

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The Osprey Group
The Osprey Group, Unit 110 Bradley Hall Trading Estate, Wigan, Lancashire, WN6 0XQ, UK
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